Abstract: Dams have the ability to alter many facets of normal hydrology, especially benthic invertebrate communities. Man-made dams can cause numerous dilemmas in lotic ecosystems via habitat fragmentation, substrate sifting, and substance alteration. The results of a beaver dam and a man-made dam on the Maple River had been when compared with figure out which dam had a larger impact on the nearby environment. After statistically analyzing dissolved oxygen levels, nitrate levels, and EPT taxa richness, it was determined the man-made dam caused a substantial change in the downstream EPT taxa richness of this flow, whereas the beaver dam had no considerable effect. The cause of the increase in the EPT population downstream of the man-made dam seemed to be less linked to a modification of liquid high quality than it absolutely was to a dramatic improvement in substrate quality. It's determined that EPT Taxa richness alone cannot acceptably assess liquid quality in lotic methods obstructed by dams.